Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Cara Instal mobileEx v3.5 rev1.0 tanpa HTIBOX di Win7

       Masalah yang timbul pada mobileEx v3.5 rev1.0 pada win7 karena tidak menggunakan HTIBOX alias masih pake MX Key dan UFS sebagai interfacenya, alhamdulillah sudah dapat saya temukan masalah dan solusinya. Masalah umum yang timbul pada mobileEx v3.5 rev1.x pada instalasi programnya di win7 salah satunya seperti yang saya alami berikut ini.
Setelah selesai meng-instal mobileEx v3.5 rev1.3 saya kemudian mencoba menggunakan versi baru ini dengan interface UFS. Ketika saya hubungkan ke komputer dan menjalankannya tidak terjadi masalah apapun semua oke karna hanya menggunakan MX Key dongle saja. Bahkan sudah bisa saya gunakan untuk meng-unduh file flash BB5 dari support area MX-Key. Namun setelah saya konek dengan UFS untuk menjalankan proses flashing ternyata menimbulkan masalah yang membuat saya pusing. Semua perangkat MX KEY dan UFS sudah terdeteksi oleh laptop dengan baik, namun setelah saya meng-klik 'Modul' dan memilih 'Nokia Service Tool' softawre ini cuma bisa bikin win7 saya muter-muter nyari programnya dan pada akhirnya munculah 'not responding' di layar laptop. Bahwasanya versi ini diluncurkan adalah setelah MX Key team meluncurkan box flasher mereka sendiri yang diberi nama HTIBOX. Karna saya tetap pake MX dongle dan UFS akhirnya jadi MATIBOX hee..hee..hee..


       Jadi sudah barang tentu versi ini akan ada masalah jika kita gunakan denga box flasher selain HTIBOX. Kemudian saya cari solusi sederhana untuk menangani masalah ini. Apasaja langkah yang saya terapkan akan saya jelaskan disini meskipun tidak saya ikut kan gambar untuk penjelasan ini. Saya kira teman-teman akan dengan mudah menangkap penjelasan ini. Berikut ini penjelasan tata cara instalasi mobileEx v3.5 rev1.x tanpa harus membeli HTIBOX.

NEW: mobilEx v3.5 rev 1.5 ( tested work on win 7 by me, connect your computer to the internet after it installed. Plug your mx key then open the program from your desktop, after it opened already firts click on 'sign application' after finished the process it will automaticaly restart the program. Then your mx key will ready to make money without HTI Box. Thanks For Alim hape/mr.mualimin )

mobilEx v3.5 rev 1.5 DOWNLOAD LINK

1. Jangan meng-instal mobileEx v3.5 rev1.3
2. Uninstall HWK Suite setup dari win7 anda, sisakan HWK Support Suite Setupnya saja agar anda tidak perlu melakukan upgrade lagi.
3. Sebelum Uninstal copas dulu file DHT samsung ke folder lain.
4. Jangan menggunakan USB HUB pada laptop anda, langsung tancap MX Key dan UFS ke port usb laptop anda. kalau cuma terdapat 2 port usb seperti milik saya maka korbankan MOUSE anda sementara.
5. Uninstall mobileEx versi sebelumnya
6. Setelah selesai uninstall MX Key lama dan HWK Suite, lakukan bersih-bersih dengan CCleaner atau System Speed Booster.
7. Instal terlebih dulu mobileEx v3.5 rev1.0. Setelah selesai bila ingin meng-instal versi yang lebih tinggi silakan dicoba.
8. Setelah selesai bisa anda coba untuk menjalankannya untuk mengetahui apakah ada masalah yang timbul
9. Bila tidak ada masalah ya alhamdulillaah, selanjutnya instal HWK Major Suite Setup dan lanjutkan meng-instal Suite Minor 1 & 2
10. Jalankan UFS HWK tanpa didampingi MX Key, bila oke lakukan restart pada laptop anda
11. PENTING!!! anda harus memiliki file instalasi HWK major dan Minor nya
12. Selanjutnya pasang langsung MX Key dan UFS ke laptop anda
13. Buka mobileEx v3.5 rev1.0  dan pada 'Modul' pilih 'Nokia Service Tool'
14. Bila tidak ada kekeliruan saat instalasi kedua software tersebut maka tidak akan lama segera muncul program 'Nokia Service Tool' nya MX Key dengan interface UFS3 bukan HTIBOX

mobileEx ver3.5 rev1.4 installer download HERE ( crash with non-HTIBOX/ better not install this when using UFS or Otehers )

        Demikianlah sekelumit penjelasan tentang cara instal mobileEx untuk digunakan dengan selain HTIBOX. Dan cara saya ini telah saya buktikan untuk melakukan proses flashing dengan hasil SUKSES. Selamat mencoba dan tak bosan berusaha. Tentang langkah instalasi mobileEx silakan baca postingan terkait cara intalasinya pada win XP di blog ini. Semoga bermanfaat.

       PROBLEMS on mobileEx v3.5 rev1.x in Windows7
Common problems caused by version mobileEx v3.5 rev1.x at one installation in win7 as i experienced myself the following.
After installing v3.5 rev1.3 i try to run the new program. When i plug it into the computer and start running it at the first time i did not encounter any problems. Even I have had time to download flash files from mx key support area. But after i tried to do flashing with UFS Tornado interface turned out to be trouble who makes me dizzy. All devices are detected properly by the computer. But when i click 'Modules' and choose 'Nokia Service Tool' this software can only make my win7 turning out for this program and in the end this program 'Not Responding' . This is the version that was launched after MX Key team launching their own Flasher Box named HTIBOX. While i'm still using UFS as interface or in other words are still using MX Key Dongle. So it's certainly on this version there will be troubles if we used to use Flasher Box beside HTIBOX. Then i try to look  for simple solutions to handle this case, after about three days i was only able to obtain a definitive answer to solve this problem. What have i apply, i will describe here. Although i did not include an image as an explanatory statement, I think my friends will be understand what i mean. The following solution to install the latest mobileEx without wearing HTIBOX.

1. Do not install version3.5 rev1.3
 2.Uninstall HWK Suite Setup of your win7
3. Before doing the uninstall first COPAS to another drive THE samsung DHT
4. Do not use a USB HUB, plug directly MX Key and an Interface box to your laptop's USB Ports
5. Uninstall the previous mobileEx version
7. Do not uninstall HWK SUPPORT SUITE SETUP, let this one left on your win7
8. After uninstall HWK Suite, clean the premises CCleaner then restart your laptop
9. Install for the first time mobileEx v3.5 rev1.0 after that you can try to install more high version you want.
10. After completion you can try to run it, if there are problems that arise
11. If there is no problem, the next install HWK Major Suite Setup and continued with Minor Suite 1 & 2
12. Run  UFS HWK without MX Key, if no problem arise out of UFS HWK program then restart your laptop.
13. The next step plug MX Key and UFS HWK directly into a laptop
14. Open mobileEx v3.5 rev1.0, in the 'Module' select 'Nokia Service Tool' 
15. If you have installed both software correctly soon will show 'Nokia Service Tool' on your screen

NOTE : If you find a problem with the latest mobileEx3.5 rev1.3 on your Windows 7, when you open this program later in the mobileEx3.5 rev1.3 message log will shown 'no dongle detected'. You can outsmart the way: right click mobileEx3.5 rev1.3 icon on the desktop, then select 'Properties'. In the window mobileEx3.5 rev1.3 Properties, click the tab 'Compatibilty'. Click on [v] Run this program in compatibility mode for:' then select 'Windows 7'

       After you have completed all the installation correctly and can open mobileEx3.5 rev1.3 you still have next task is very important. This is the final stage of the whole series mobileEx3.5 rev1.3 installation on Windows 7 and Windows XP Pro.
When you do this end process you have to connect to the internet. Because here we will update the necessary modules on the flashing process. After mobileEx open clicking the button 'Synchronize Files' immediately to synchronize all the files contained modules on mobileEx3.5 rev1.3. This update process will run in two steps. Wait until the first update process is complete. After that the mobileEx restart request will show. Scroll previous results the first update, here we will find there are many files that have not been successfully updated. On the window that appears select 'Yes' to restart mobileEx.

       The second step is to complete the rest of files is not updated on the first process. To process this second click 'Update' after mobileEx reappear. Wait until the process is complete.
       After the whole process has been completed mobileEx will restart automatically. Thus finished our task to update the module on mobileEx. The results we can see on the 'Option' when mobileEx is already open.
NOTE : IF YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE FIRMWARE FILES FOR ANY OF MXKEY SUPPORT SITE. PLEASE FOLLOW ME THIS WAY ; do not use INTERNET EXPLORER as the DEFAULT BROWSER. ON MY WINDOWS 7 I TURNED IT INTO GOOGLE CHROME AS MY DEFAULT BROWSER. If you use Internet Explorer, when you have the file you need then you click on the downloaded file to the page 'Files' on MXKEY Support Site will be BLACK and Internet explorer will stop. You please to try and see for yourself.

       So a little explanation on how to install mobileEx to be used with interfaces other than HTIBOX. And the way i have proved i can use to perform the flashing process successfully.  Good luck and never tired to trying. THANK YOU

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakatuuh...

Arek NGAJUM IsoIso Ae ( The Singo MUMETH )

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