Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Emma (unlocked) Xperia Flashtool Login Problem


If you got this trouble on running Emma Xperia Flashtool, you ask ask to many webs and forums that won't give any resolved. This you're right place.

Completely wrong, this tool doesn't nrrd any kind of login way. If you ever face it on the first start that's mean you don't understand or read the FAQ at all. It's include to the file you've download. Read the.pdf so you do not need to ask everywhere.
This login window comes out 'cause you've missed a little file of customization.ini that's all.

Go back to the folder where you extracted Emma setup. Find a customization.ini file, head over to copy and paste this into Emma installation folder. It should be along side with Update Service (SEUS).

Close all window then run back Emma Flashtool, what's you got? the first image above or like below?

Read carefully and try to understanding all instructions before install kind of program to your PC.

Hari Setyawan

wassalamualaikum wr wb

Arek NGAJUM IsoIso Ae [ The Fully Fuckin' Headache Lion ]

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