Saturday, December 13, 2014



An XDA Developer member and or contributor MACMOL made a great tool for fellows. And i think it is nice. But i'm afraid that this great tool will only known by the XDA Developer members only.
This time i'll introducing the to internet user around the world that may need this tool.
So MACMOL could get more benefit by donations to him for making this tool more useful. Or he wants to hire some gigs of drive on a cloud server than he can also present the firmwares/rom. I hope.
This tool call XperiaUpdateChecker. By this tool you can found if the is the latest update firmware for your XPERIA device(s) released. Doesn't it usefull? i think so.
You only need to extracting downloaded file where ever you want and run it to start check.

To use this tool is pretty easy, choose your device first then check for firmware so you'll found what you want.

To find where the firmware stored and download, just click what you need and click Check for firmware. To download simply click the blue link.

You can also contribute firmware(s) to the fellow using this tool through Add customization number button. You can use ftf file has made by bundle creation of FlashTool Xperia flsher. By default FlashTool also create a ftf torrent file to make easier for file you've uploaded to download by fellows.
Or just generate the direct link to your file(s).

OK that's all i want to share, if you like this tool you can download and use it free of charge. But do not forget to donate to MACMOL. Because not everyone can make it or even think about creating this great tool.

wassalamu'alaikum wr wb

Arek NGAJUM IsoIso Ae [ The Fully Fuckin' Headache Lion ]

Baca juga posting


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