Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Flashtool XPERIA Flasher Latest release (


Flashtool is a S1 flashing software that works for all Sony phones from X10 to Xperia Z Ultra. They all use the S1 protocol for flashing firmwares.

This program was originally made to flash sin files downloaded by SEUS or PCC.
Based on a command line tool written by Bin4ry (Andreas Makris), I brought a user interface to sin files flashing.
We worked together to add more features to the tool such as rooting methods implementation or TA backup / restore
Then I took the lead and got some advice and help from him occasionally on some features like rom cleaner or bootloader unlocking.
From time to time, sin files have been bundled into what is now well known FTF (Flash Tool Firmwares) and more features have been implemented.
But flashing firmwares is still the core of Flashtool (that is updated at least to follow Sony improvements around sin files) and the reason of its name.

Flashtool can also easily unlock the bootloader of the phone using the BLU icon as far as the bootloader of your phone is unlockable

The flashing feature as well as bootloader unlock feature are available whatever the phone is recognized or not by the application. What is only mandatory for flashing is to own the FTF file according to the device you want to flash it on.

Why should I use flashtool ?
  •     Once bootloader unlocked, official sony tools do not work anymore.
  •     Using official sony tools, you can only upgrade. No downgrade possible.
  •     Using flashtool, you can choose what to flash and what not to flash. This said, many rooting scenarios are available implying kernel only downgrade to retrieve a patched rooting exploit and then flash back the right kernel.

You said unlocking bootloader ?
This process gives you the opportunity to flash custom roms such as CyanogenMod ROMs.
I invite you to visit the FXP Project that brings CM to xperia devices.

Many other features have been built-in so that Flashtool can also be used to (as far as the phone is recognized by Flashtool) :
  •     Root your phone
  •     Install recovery, busybox, custom kernels
  •     Clean your rom (remove /system/apps apps of your choice) (Be careful, unless you really know what you do, do not modify the default list. This can make your phone stuck at the SE Logo)
  •     Clear dalvik cache
  •     Optimize (install of JIT v2) (plugin for 2.1 phones only from 2010 line)
  •     Customize (installs apps found in the custom/apps folder of the flashtool)
  •     Edit any text file on the device
  •     Rebrand your device

  •     This release is compatible with new devices (E4,E4g,Z3+,Z4,M4,Z4 Tablet)
  •     A bug under mac and linux is resoled. Sin extraction was not working (missing library)
  •     New 64bits devices kernels can now be split with the Elf extractor
  •     Added a new feature : USB log parser. Files produced by Simple USB Logger can be parsed to generate a template script
  •     FTF now cannot be flashed without template script.
  •     When flashing FTF, a simulate mode can be checked. Even without any phone connected, correct processing of files can be tested.
  •     Java updated to 1.8u51

Latest release (
This release is valid for ZL,Z1,Z2,Z3,Z3c,Z3+/Z4,Z4Tablet,E4,E4G,M2,M4 at the moment. As far as new fsc are added, more phone will be compatible. I need your help for that. I will add a tuto on how to generate / add new fsc. If your phone is not in this list, stick to the previous release (still online)

Download Windows edition
MD5 : ed374601e368b99aab51a3b94c2bf1ca

Download Linux edition
MD5 : 6f83c9db2a21c7eab6de14c581df1c2a

Download MacOS X edition
MD5 : 27336e9a3cc98e324f79d0f836ebdc8e

Presented by Androxyde and Team

wassalamualaikum wr wb

Arek NGAJUM IsoIso Ae ( The Fully Fuckin' Headache Lion )

Baca juga posting


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